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Mechanica product line and software usage

Getting Started
You start Mechanica by selecting the Application>Mechanica command from the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar. The Mechanica command is available for most models you develop in Pro/ENGINEER, but is inactive if Mechanica does not support the model type or some of the model features.

When you select this command, Mechanica displays the Model Type dialog box. You use this dialog box to select the Mechanica product that you want to work with and as a starting point for your simulation modeling session. As you begin to use Mechanica, you will want to understand some basics of Mechanica operation, how to use Mechanica efficiently, and how Mechanica and Pro/ENGINEER interrelate.

Review these topics to learn about the fundamentals of the Mechanica product line and software usage:

Mechanica products

Mechanica workflow

operating modes

planning and modeling considerations

working with the user interface

configuration options

getting help for Mechanica

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