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Using Coordinate Systems in Pro/E

Many Mechanica modeling entities reference coordinate systems, either implicitly or explicitly. Mechanica uses reference coordinate systems to determine such functions as the direction of a load, the placement of a load, the orientation of a material, and so forth.

When you start your Mechanica session, the software adds a default coordinate system to your model. This coordinate system is known as the World Coordinate System (WCS). The WCS is a Cartesian coordinate system with an origin at 0 0 0. At the time that it comes up, Mechanica defines the WCS as the current coordinate system and assumes the WCS is the coordinate system it should use when creating modeling entities.

If you want to apply your modeling entities relative to a different coordinate system, you can set that coordinate system as current using the Edit>Current Coordinate System command. Making a coordinate system current means that Mechanica will base the creation of certain modeling entities on that coordinate system.

You can also create new coordinate systems in Mechanica using the Insert>Model Datum>Coordinate System command. You can define coordinate systems you create in Mechanica as Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical, enabling a more flexible and accurate realization of mechanical behavior. For example, cylindrical coordinate systems can be handy when defining cyclic symmetry constraints.

Note: If you select a 2D model type, you must choose a Cartesian coordinate system that you want Mechanica to use as the reference coordinate system.
